
Posts Tagged ‘WorshipWebSite.net’

So you have subscribed to, or are thinking about subscribing to a Worship Planning web site for your church’s worship ministry.  You may be technically savvy, you may see the need right off, but what about the people who make up your ministry?  Will they take to it?  Will they like it?  Will they embrace this new technology?   What I’ve found is, YES!  But sometimes, you need to take charge.  Leading by committee is always difficult.

As for successfully getting folks to use the system, get involved, etc., here’s what my worship leader said when we introduced the prototype for WorshipWebSite.net*:

 He basically said, “Folks, this is the new way I will be organizing our worship ministry.  To help minimize unnecessary photocopying, burning of cds, hand-offs of materials, etc., and to maximize your access to the music, information and the schedule, we are going to be using this web site exclusively.  Everything will be on the web, so if you need a chart, or need an audio track for a song, or need to know if you are playing next week, check the worship web site.


It’s easy to use, but like anything new, takes some getting used to.  One of the things many worship leaders must help their people get past is the ‘feed me’ mentality that many worship volunteers have.  Oftentimes there is someone at the church making the photocopies of the music/song list/schedule, burning CDs, etc, and then finding the people in church, and giving them the packet of info.  It is not the volunteer seeking the information, but rather them expecting to be ‘fed’ this information.


A worship planning site takes the onus off the worship leadership of the church, and puts the responsibility back on the people. 

It’s not hard, just different.  It’s not a technical issue, believe me.  Some folks might tell you it’s just too hard for them, but in reality, they just don’t want to do it.  Given a desire to go find that hot new MP3 player online, and they’ll be king of the internet.  It the old ‘change is hard’ thing.  Some embrace it while others fear it.  Please, please don’t allow your ministry to suffer but for the fears of a few.


Of course, some people just don’t have access to a computer.  I would say probably about 2 in a hundred.  Most have at least one computer in their home. 


Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel like this should be ‘forced’ upon anyone, but I have had much experience in worship ministry to know that sometimes, you have to read between the lines.  This new technology is something that will help you and your people to become more effective for God, and that’s what it’s all about anyway.  Given that as the goal, who would complain?

Abraham and Noah both did some incredibly difficult things – going into the unknown – simply to please and honor God by following His desire.  We all (as worship leaders – which means YOU if you take any part in your church’s worship ministry) can take a cue from their leadership.  Venture into the unknown for what?  If it’s pointing to Him, then it’s pointed in the right direction.  Amen!  Let’s go!

*Note:  WorshipWebSite.net was merged into the new Lifeway Worship Project and can be found at www.lifewayworship.com.  Look for ’WorshipMap Pro’.

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